There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends.
I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.
~ Jane Austen

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reality Check!

OK I am not one of those bloggers that has a lot to say. But today all that changed for me.

New Healthcare??? Be aware!

Today I had my monthly appointment with my rheumatologist. The reality check… due to certain circumstances I am being forced to use Medicare starting in May. I was told today that the ‘new healthcare plan’ is forcing doctors to take about 21-23% cut in their current billings to Medicare. Are you aware that MANY doctors that take Medicare patients are advising them that in the next couple of months they may need to look for another specialist or doctor? Scenario #1 How does this new healthcare help? It will cause many patients that have built a trust and relationship with their doctors to look for another doctor. BUT the problem is…if your current doctor is going through this situation…aren’t there MANY more doctors refusing to see Medicare patients. What you may not know or understand…when you are ill or have a chronic illness it MAY take years to be diagnosed…and many more tests to determine which chronic illness. Scenario #2 Healthcare and hospitals…patients currently seeing a specialist or their primary care doctor are told they can no longer take Medicare patients…most likely these patients will use the emergency room beds as their “primary care visits’ meaning when they get sick or have some related flare up due to a chronic illness. What will be the ripple effect on the healthcare system if this happens?

Information for Thought ~~ The $500B in reduced Medicare funding will undoubtedly equate to reductions in either covered benefits or reductions in reimbursement rates or both. It is also very possible that providers will say "enough is enough" and opt out of Medicare. The result of which is sure to create both an access to care and out-of-pocket expense challenge for retirees and non-retirees at a time in their life when they really don't need any additional challenges.

I am overwhelmed and stressed over this reality check. What you don’t know about me…I worked for 28 years in the same industry. I worked everyday meeting deadlines that were due yesterday or 2 weeks ago. I traveled both CONUS and Internationally in support of government programs for the US Navy and Air Force. I worked closely with senior officials, management, and mid-level management on a daily basis. Now I am at home everyday…lonely…depressed …with severe pain and fatigue…this is not how I planned to work at my age (mid 50s)! I don’t blame anyone for this situation. I just didn’t plan this lifestyle for my later years of life.


Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

I know your feeling Sharon, our government is crippling this whole nation. I hate the new health care and have prayed it will not happen. We must all keep praying and voting for the ones that will help out country, not themselves.
Hugs & love, Pat

sjmcdowell said...

Hi sharon,

I can relate to what you are saying as I am in the same boat as you are in many ways. As I have written before to you I have simmilar pains and such. So far none of my specialists have indicated about opting out of far. Like you I have cronic conditions along with being legally blind as well. All but my primary physician are specialists. I do not know what I would do without them.
I hope and pray that there will be Doctors out there who realize that their patients are all important regardless of what type of insurance they have and that treating folks and helping them outweighs the cost. Hugsss Susan in Georgai

Loui♥ said...

I so agree with you!!!
i don't like getting political or stating my views..BUT..
the hope and change voted in by many youngsters had not a clue about the healthcare situation. Physicians will simply no longer take Medicare patients if they cannot be paid for their services..
for the first time in my life, I have no insurance..due to having lost my banking job in 2008! The unemployed ranks are growing by leaps and bounds with no relief in sight. I will have to sign up for Medicare this year..and am dreading it!(am an EX military dependent) and yes..I do have what are considered 'pre-existing conditions.which makes it even scarier than ever..
warm hugs..

Lorrie said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry. I don't really keep tabs on what's happening south of the border regarding your health care. But this sounds like no one will win.

I love the pink background and the printed roses on print behind it. Very, very pretty.

sending hugs,

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Scary stuff indeed !
I too intended to work until I was older but had to retire young (50) due to pain that was caused by slipping at work ruining my rt knee.Did I get compensated for that? no~ Did I get a special pension ? no~ Did I ask for this lifestyle for my later years (8 years later)? no.........
Here I am looking after my MIL who has alzheimers and is 89, hubby and I haven't had a holiday together in 8 years since she moved in.Did I sign up for that anywhere? no.........Am I bitter.......YES
Ok I will stop right there but you get the idea

Barbara said...

Sharon, thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts and frustrations on your blog. What the gov't is trying to do to this country is terrifying. Health care reform is only the beginning, and this alone is way too much. It's not a matter of insuring the uninsured; it is a method of control. What is really sad is that the doctors are already preparing for this bill when, in fact, it hasn't passed yet and hopefully never.

We need to pray for this country, keep up with what is going on, and speak out!

Great post, Sharon.


Unknown said...

Bless your heart. I seen an elder man on our local news that was told his doctor can't see him anymore. He has been going to him for years. He had no idea where he was going to go. It is CRAZY! I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you.


Brynwood Needleworks said...

Thanks so much for this informational post. Everyone needs to know this!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

My husband worked for the same company for over 35 years and is facing some of the same problems as you because he had to take early retirement due to many health issues. This was an awesome post!!!! You said it so very well. I love the valentines. My kids 7 I are getting ready to make their cards at church. These beautiful cards you share with us help so much. Thanks....m...

Shirley said...

I know exactly where you are coming from. When you hit 65, you are no longer given an option about your insurance. You automatically have medicare whether you want it or not. What our government is trying to do to us absolutely scares me silly. We have had our doctors, that take medicare, but the visits are further in between now then they were when we had regular insurance. It is very frustrating. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Hey Sharon,
Thanks for adding me to your friends list. I am new to blogging and am finding all sorts of things to learn!! WOW!
Love your blogg!!
I do pray that this health care problem gets better not worse.
I do hope you are feeling better :D
I will be posting more often on my blogg, I was told, (by my friend) that I was not up dating enough. HA, I guess once a month is not good!!!LOL....

Light and Love
to you

Anonymous said...

I wish 99% of the rest of the country could understand what this health care bill is going to do. What you talked about is terrible, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. I cannot believe these politicians, I wish people were smart enough to vote them ALL out and start over. It is both parties, but especially scary since one party has complete control of all branches. I have contributed to my social security and Medicare for 46 years and will probably not have a penny from either one of them, as they are broke. Such a shame to see the most prosperous country in the world going downhill fast.