Friday, January 21, 2011

Valentine Gift Tags

Give Away CLOSED.

My handmade gift tags are still selling...but I have a bunch in the studio.  If you would like to receive 2 gift tags for free please leave a comment.  I will be drawing two winning names for this give away on January 26th.  Please if you think they are "junk or trash" please do not leave a comment.  You know I have been harassed the past couple of weeks by 2 bloggers.  It has not been fun.

These would be great for your gift packages, wreaths, and Valentine vignettes.

Just a sample of some of the gift tags.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend dear friends!


  1. Hi Sharon,
    I think your tags are lovely...I would love any of them! I don't know why bloggers who do not like what we create or what we write don't just "go elsewhere" without harassing and demeaning?! Sheesh!

    Keep doing what you're doing...there are more of us WITH YOU than against you! Hugs!

    Paula Clare

  2. Your tags are gorgeous! I would love to win:) Hey, BLOCK those bloggers who are being mean! Why would someone do that? Mostly bloggers are great, encouraging and loving friends. I am baffled by this!

    Big hugs and have a blessed day!

  3. No matter where you go or what you do there always seems to be a couple of "them"..sad but true.
    Enter me please for your Valentine Tag giveaway!

  4. Sharon,
    I adore your tags! They are beautiful. I appreciate the time and creativity you put into making them. The tags would have a wonderful home here at my house!
    I adore my Christmas ones :) I didn't pack them away with my Christmas items ... they are in my sewing room.
    If someone else wants them please let them have them but I would adore them.

  5. I just saw your blog listed on another blog - these tags are lovely & I would love to win some. I cannot believe those people are harassing you - that is horrible! What has happened to common decency? What about the Golden Rule? I hope things get better for you! Thank you for having a giveaway!
    Sarita Boyette

  6. Such sweet tags! I really like the last one very creative!

  7. I think your tags are sweet! I guess some bloggers have nothing better to do than try to make others as miserable as they apparently are. Sorry you have had to deal with such things. Take care and continue to do what you love! Connie

  8. These are lovely. I'm curious ~~ What are cabinet cards and what were they used for?

  9. Your gift tags are charming, and anybody would be pleased to receive something so pretty.
    I can understand how hurtful it is when people are being nasty, but they are not worth getting upset about. Ignore and remember that there are many people who love your blog and what you do. xx

  10. They are so wonderful...i love them.

  11. These are adorable!!! I would love to win some. They would be a sweet treat for my two middle granddaughters!
    I'm sorry you have been having trouble with bloggers/comments.
    Does not make it any fun, and is so totally unnecessary.

    hang in there, OK??


    barbara jean

  12. Dear Sharon,-

    I love your tags, too- (you know that)
    but I think people general have not much money, and don`t use them here, after christmas--I don`t sell ANYTHING in my privat shop,or Etsy-- and properly woun`t for the next month eighter....
    Believe me I would have loved buying the set with the cherups- if money came my way, with a little selling!!
    Don`t feel blue,dear, it will all turn to the the better.

  13. Sharon! I would love to receive these beautiful tags! Please try not to be upset by foolish people who make snide comments. I find that envy can make people do odd things!!!
    May God bless!

  14. Well I love your tags, Sharon. Shame on the hecklers...I hope you don't put any stock in what they say. I have some of your work and love it. xoxo Nancy

  15. Dear Sharon,
    I'm so sorry you have been bothered by unkind people. Your tags are just lovely and don't listen to anyone who tells you different.

  16. I think all of your creations are so very beautiful. I feel sorry for those who are mean-spirited. Have a great week=end...m..

  17. I think they are lovely. I would be honored to own one of your lovely creations!

  18. I think your tags are so much fun!! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! My mom and cousin were making a bunch of tags last spring and I sat down with them at the table full of crafty goodies and did not know where to start! I was totally having crafter's block, LOL!
    Sorry you are having bloggy reader issues.

  19. Your tags are super-gorgeous!!! WOW!

  20. Hello there! I LOVE your tags!!! I am visiting from seeing your tags on Itsy Bits & Pieces blog! I make tags too on Etsy my shop is Birds Eye View! Who in the world would be negative about your beautiful creations!:( Sorry for you about that, I'm your newest follower and will add your shop to my favorites on Etsy! Please put me in your giveaway would love to win one!!! Have a great weekend!!! Hugs~♥

  21. Hi Sharon,
    I'm a blog friend of Linda's at Itsy Bits and Pieces...I'd love to feature your adorable Valentine's on my blog this week....If you'd like to be on, just leave me a message.

  22. I like them. They came out so pretty.

    Sad how some people can get.

  23. Your artwork is beautiful, and I would be very happy to give any of your precious tags a proper home! Keep up the good work!

  24. Oh POOH on anyone who heckles you! I too think your tags are lovely and would LOVE to win them. I especially like tags I don't have to make myself. lol Guess I'm just lazy!

  25. Hello Sharon
    I think your work is beautiful. I love vintage also, and you can't help people being jealous, I agree with Paula, there are more of us than them. We just have to pray harder for them, as they can't help it.

  26. Thank you to everyone for all of your kind words!
    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  27. Hi Sharon!
    I think your tags are absolutely wonderful and would be thrilled to win any one of them. I can't understand why some people are so cruel. Please know that there are many others that love your creativity and amazing talent. Take care!

  28. I just found you via Cindy of WM and I think your tags are great, I would love to have all or any of them, if they don't sell make a Valentine tree, maybe it is too early for people to buy?? I'm making some to sell and if they don't , well I still had fun with my supplies. Whoever is bugging you tell them your bloggy friends said Knock it Off!! I'm signing up as a Follower so don't get discouraged by a few bad apples!! Heartful Hugs Marilou

  29. I love your tags, they are gorgeous! I need to get busy and start making some Valentine's, so thanks for the great inspiration:) Saw you over at Cindy's. Have a great day!!

  30. So sorry you have been bothered by jealous bloggers. Just don't understand why anyone could be so mean. Your work is beautiful and creative and of course I would love to win one of your creations. Sorry to hear they aren't selling well.
    Your vintage finds from the previous post are all things I love. I need to get out more...but I never seem to find stuff as great as that.
    Have a great week.

  31. Your tags are just beautiful! Maybe you are feeling the effects of the after Christmas credit card bills at your shop?
    Your pieces are so creative!
    Have a great day!

  32. Love your Valentines Day tags, Sharon. Thanks for sharing them over at Tag Tuesday!


I love your comments ~ thanks for taking a minute to leave me a note! If you have a question, please leave an email so I can get back to you. I wish I had more hours in the day to visit all of the wonderful blogs out there~if you have something you think I would like to see, please invite me over and I'll do my best! :)