Monday, January 24, 2011

My favorite products of week!

These are my new favorites products!  They smell so fresh and clean.
DH even likes the fragrance for the home.
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
You can go here to view their home page and enter your zip code to find a store near you.

So this is what I am doing today. 
Cleaning the home.

Please don't forget that I will posting 2 winners for my Valentine's Day gift tags on Tuesday.

Hope you are having a great start to your week!


  1. Thank you for the tip! I checked my zip code and these products are sold at my local grocery store and Target! I can't wait to check it out! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. Hi Sharon,
    When you are done cleaning your house,you are welcome to do mine!! LOL! I believe that the local Target sells that line.
    Bummer that your awesome tags aren't selling...
    Have a Great week!

  3. Happy cleaning dear Sharon-

    XOX, Dorthe

  4. I've seen these products, Sharon...nice to know to think they're good! I'll have to try them!


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