Thursday, January 20, 2011

Looking forward to Spring!

I am so ready for Spring!
It is cold here today...started out with rain/sleet, turned into snow with about 3 inches on ground now.  Snow should be ending early this evening.

I thought I would share with you some of my vintage finds I have found in the past several months.


I am working a fabric collage for The Winter Swap. 
Looking forward to something new to create.

For my followers at 'The Front Porch' there are several Victorian trading cards for your art work.  Please visit and take a peek.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe weekend!


  1. Very cold here in Mi. we expect single digets and below the next few nights. Spring is march 20th so about 59 days. I'm crossing them off on the calender,thinking positive...Warm hugs

  2. Sharon,
    I thought about you earlier when they were talking about the weather your way. I hope the snow doesn't come our way!
    Your vintage swap is going to be yummy :) with all those pretties.
    I have lots of vintage linens and doilies I need to use.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. Did I tell you that your Valentine banner is sweet?! It is :)
    Fun finds...not sure if we are going out this weekend...
    Stinkin COLD here..-10 as I was driving home tonight from HQ!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    deb :)

  4. oh i love that first picutre, just the way you have them laid out for the photo.
    And the baby shoes, of course I LOVE baby shoes, and those are very special.

    Have a super day

    barbara jean

  5. Wonderful finds, Sharon! I want to THANK YOU so much! My wonderful giveaway goodies was like Christmas...everything wrapped so pretty! The goodies seemed to be made for me, sweet friend! I love the charming tags...gorgeous as always! I didn't comment on your tag giveaway post as someone else needs to win! Thanks again! XO

  6. great finds! I love anything vintage!!! My girlfriends and I go antiquing when we can!!! you found some great treasures!!:) ♥

  7. I love your vintage finds too!!! My girlfriends and I love to go antiquing together whenever we can! Its fun, we have an antique store that we frequent just down the road from us!!! ♥


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