Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Birthday surprises!

I hope everyone is having a great week!

I thought I would share some of my
Birthday surprises with you.

A nice surprise at the door!
A flower arrangement from
my sister Carol and her family.

Deb from Garage Sale Gal
sent me this vintage wooden
crate.  Just love it!

Here is a handmade Birthday card
from Deb.

Thank you Deb for your
kindness and friendship!

A gift I purchased for myself!
Vintage French Linen Towels
Love them!

Wishing you a blessed week
dear friends!


  1. Happy Birthday Sharon. Great gifts. Love fresh flowers.

  2. Pretty flowers from your sister! I have a chicken like yours. It was my Grandma's and she had it on the window sill. I have a pair and they are very special.
    The french linens look great in the crate.
    Glad you had a nice birthday!

  3. HI!
    what awesome gifties,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, what wonderful surprises you got! That Deb is a doll. Hugs, Diane

  5. Happy , Happy Birthday you have some wonderful gifts. Those flowers look beautiful,especially with a snow storm due here .

  6. Beautiful gifts! I know that you had a wonderful birthday, HUGS!

  7. Hi Sharon, A belated Happy Birthday. I love flowers my favorite is roses. I do hope 2012 is a better year for both of us health wise. It does cause a lot of changes in ones life.
    All of your presents were wonderful surprises. You never know what will arrive at your door. Have a great day Take care Your Missouri Friend.

  8. Sharon,
    I have been having issues with leaving comments on blogs! I don't know if I wished you Happy Birthday or not :) I tried before but didn't know if it went through :( So HAPPY BELATED B'DAY!!

  9. Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday. You sure received some nice suprises. Love the towels you bought for yourself.
    Like your new blog look too. Thanks for visiting my blog. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


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