Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011 in Review

As I’ve been reading your blogs first post for the new year, many of you have chosen a word of the year that represents what you want to work toward over the next year.  And this year is a leap year so have another day! I chose the single word embrace.

I am going to try to do my best to embrace the year’s changes in my health, my art, and my marriage.   My health is always a daily change due an autoimmune disease…some days mean more meds than others.  Keeping track of the changes make me feel very old.  My art has been the same for the past few years, really nothing new.  So this year I am going to take a few on-line art workshops.  More on those events throughout the year. My marriage…I really need to learn to cook, learn some patience on events not planned…well, and just learn some new things for me to help our marriage.

Last year was a horrible year for me.  Stress is a normal word for everyday life for us.  My health plays a big part of the stress.  Don has been so supportive during the rough times…while still working his profession.  I did not post much about my health since most bloggers want and/or expect a “happy place”.  But I feel that I need to post something that is a real life issue for me.  In August, I was in the hospital ICU due to a bi-lateral embolism.  I was told “you missed a bullet”.  Sadly during this time, we lost Sadie.   Still the doctors cannot tell us what caused the blood clots…just frustrating.   So now I see the doctor weekly and take more meds.  It makes me feel old to see so many meds in an organizer!

I am hoping that in 2012 I can embrace the changes that life offers.  I hope you will continue to visit my blog this year as I hope to post some events and changes in my life’s journey and my art.
I can't thank you enough for joining me on this journey!

Best Wishes, Blessings and Happy New Year!


  1. I am hoping for a better year as well. I tell it like it is on my blog. I appreciate being true about life. I think blogging is like therapy. Does that make any sense.
    Happy New Year.

  2. Hi Sharon!!
    Love your word: Embrace!!! Also LOVE your new banner/header!!! Very nice! I must learn how to make mine more "up dated".
    You certainly have had the "year" and hoping this New will be AWESOME!
    Be on the look out for a package!! I mailed it yesterday or was that Monday?! I'm so forgetful!
    Looking forward to all the new things you are going to learn and do!

  3. Embrace sounds like the perfect word for you! I'm sorry to hear about all the health problems. I definitely understand how illness, medications, etc. can have a huge impact on how you feel about your life. I wish you a healthier and Very Happy New Year!

  4. I pray that 2012 will be a great year for both of us!!!! Hugs and many prayers!

  5. With that attitude Sharon, I know it will be a good year for you. I knew you had some health problems and I never mind hearing about them. It is better to know, then I can pray for specifically.
    I too, want to learn something new. I can't imagine that you could be any more artistic, but I will look forward to reading about and seeing what you learn.
    I wish you all the best in embracing the New Year.
    Love your new header.

  6. You really did have a rough year, Sharon, and in times like that there's so much stress...which does make you feel worse a vicious circle! I'm glad that you are embracing life and are ready for a better 2012! Your blog looks beautiful!

  7. Sharon,
    Bless You! We have to keep it real on our blogs! Life is not always rosy :(
    I am so glad 2011 is over. It was not a good year for us either.
    I am glad you dodged the bullet and hope you feel better in this new year :)
    Big HUGS)))


I love your comments ~ thanks for taking a minute to leave me a note! If you have a question, please leave an email so I can get back to you. I wish I had more hours in the day to visit all of the wonderful blogs out there~if you have something you think I would like to see, please invite me over and I'll do my best! :)