Thursday, December 15, 2011

Special Surprise!

A wonderful mail surprise!
I received a package from Deb.
She really sent me some wonderful
vintage Santas. 

She made an altered tin for me.

Goodies inside her
handmade paper pocket.

Thank you Deb for all of my
wonderful Christmas gifts!

You are a dear friend!

Wishing everyone a
wonderful weekend!


  1. Sharon,
    Your gifts are so cute with all the Santas!
    Your home is lovely.

  2. WOW!!!! You know how I love everything SANTA and these are spectacular. What great gifts!

  3. You are so welcome! Everytime I see a Santa..I wonder if you have it!!??
    Have A
    Wonderful Christmas!

  4. What delightful treasures you have,Merry Christmas and hugs

  5. Dear Sharon, what a sweet package, full of cute old world santas-
    I wish you and your family a very happy christmas, and all the most very best for year 2012.
    HUGS, Dorthe

  6. What a fun gift that was to open. I loved all the Santas.
    Your blog looks great Sharon.
    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
    Oh...your home looks so cozy and ready for the holidays. Especially loved your candy jars and even your bedroom...great job.

  7. Hi Sharon, I am so glad you came to see me ! I have been thinking about you and kept saying to myself that I need to come visit you . Don't ya just love Deb ! She is so sweet to send you those santa's . I love them and the tin is precious . Have a Merry Christmas dear Sharon !


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