Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Home Tour

I hope you are having a great start
start for your week.
Have you finished your
Christmas shopping?
I have...and mailed all
the gifts yesterday.

Today I thought I
would share some of
areas decorated for
Christmas with you.
We kept the decorating
low key this year.

This is my favorite area in the morning!
Look at my new santa!
More on the santa later
this week.

Some images of our kitchen area.
This is where we spend most of
time in our home.

This is another small tree
our dining room.

This is our bedroom
 decorated for Christmas.

Greetings from Jake.
I couldn't get a photo
Gracie Hope...she
moves around too much!

Wishing you a wonderful
week dear friends!


  1. Your house looks so nice in it's holiday gear. Love the doggie. It's so hard to get pictures of those furry babies. Happy Holidays.

  2. Hi Sharon
    I LOVE your little table top trees! I keep thinking I want one for my living room! Your home looks very pretty at Christmas! Love the jars of candy and that sweet little Santa planter!! LOL!
    Cute pic of Jake..
    I still have my Christmas cards to do and maybe bake a treat!
    Merry Christmas!
    Deb :)

  3. Hi Sharon, I really liked your Christmas decorations. I love the Vintage decorations because they bring back so many wonderful memories. I don't do much decorations because we are never home and it is only the two of us. Have a wonderful Christmas. Take care Your Missouri Friend

  4. Hi there my friend, I love all of your decorations, pretty bed all gussied up BUT Jake is my favorite:) TOO CUTE! Thanks for letting me tour your home!

    Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  5. Hi Sharon
    Your home is beautiful.
    Jake looks pretty cozy:)love the antlers!
    all my shopping is done too, now all I have
    To do is the handmade gifts for my girls..
    Cutting it pretty close as usual.
    I better get to it!
    Have a wonderful night!

  6. Your home is SO lovely, Sharon...so festive and cheery! Jake is adorable!!


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