Saturday, January 1, 2011

Remembering 2010

Here are some repeats from 2010.

Studio Bling
Vintage Inspired Gift Tags
Vintage Finds
Vintage Inspired Projects


  1. What lovely pictures, I sure enjoyed my visit today, I loved your playlist. Happy Happy to you and yours. Hugs, Diane

  2. Happy New Year!!!
    WOW 1-01-11 ...
    You sure made some lovely treasures last year and I look forward to more pretties this year!
    I hope you are having a nice weekend. It's cold here. I just posted too!!
    Love the postcards from your last post.
    deb :)

  3. Thanks for all the beauty you offer us. I am so lucky and grateful to be in possession of some of the beautiful artwork you have displayed here. That sweet baby's cabinet card will forever be displayed in my studio...priceless!
    Happy New Year to you!

  4. Lots of beautiful eye candy, Sharon! Wishing you a wonderful 2011!

  5. Beautiful photos! and I love your work.

  6. Love your beautiful creations! I can't wait to see all of what 2011 brings! Have a blessed day, hugs!

  7. You have created beautiful things throughout the year, Sharon. You always inspire me. Thanks for always being so generous and sharing vintage card images with us.
    Wishing you the best inspired New Year.

  8. Loved all these pictures!! Wonderful treasure, and beautiful work.

    blessings in the new year

    barbara jean

    PS thanks for your site address again. I am a follower, but have somehow missed seeing your posts for some time. Glad to be back and see your lovely work!

  9. You have a most wonderful way with vintage finds.
    Happy New Year and May God bless you,
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  10. Happy New Year sweet Sharon! I loved seeing all of these gorgeous photos!!! Your vignettes are beautiful and so are your tags!!! I loved seeing my sweet altered bingo card you made for me! I enjoy it so much as well as all the beautiful things you have given me! Thank you for sharing all of your pretties! You are so inspiring! Love, Paula

  11. What beautiful creations!!! You sure are one very talented lady! I'll be back!


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