Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BRRR it's cold outside...

so let's get creating!

You have probably seen these images before on my blog.
But these are some of the vintage finds that consistently inspires me to create.
I may not always use these lovelies in my know I have several collections.  lol

My collections include:
vintage lace...lots of it!
vintage jewelry
vintage books
vintage dolls
vintage table linens
vintage hankies
vintage aprons
vintage plates

What inspires you?

I want to thank all of you that visit my blog.  I must admit I am guilty of visiting lots of blogs and leave no comment of my visit.  But please understand, I do love visiting your world and collections.  Thank you for sharing with us!

Wishing you a great day!


  1. Hi there my friend! I have a thing for vintage hankies and aprons! I buy them with the intention of giving them away and end up keeping them for myself:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. Sharon! My Mother made one of those crochet heart pin cushions in your first photo. I remember it from long ago... this past Christmas my cousin presented to me one of these pin cushions that was her mom's. My Mom crocheted it and gave to her.. It brought back the memories of the other one that my Mom did..
    Thanks for sharing your goodies.
    God bless!

  3. I love all your vintage pretties!
    Keep creating :)
    It's cold here too with snow flurries.

  4. Great images here, so love all these things :)


I love your comments ~ thanks for taking a minute to leave me a note! If you have a question, please leave an email so I can get back to you. I wish I had more hours in the day to visit all of the wonderful blogs out there~if you have something you think I would like to see, please invite me over and I'll do my best! :)