Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Fun

I searched my vintage postcard and photo collections looking for some images that were different and fun for art creations. I did not alter any of the images in Photo Shop this week.

Have fun!

Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe weekend!
I will be posting the winner of my give away this weekend.


  1. these are just beautiful! I have some family photos that I need to get out - similar to these. They are such a fun glimpse into our wayyy back past.

  2. I love the first image. The girls are so cute, but I think it is the pram which steals the show, isn't it just the most gorgeous pram you have ever seen?

  3. Hi Sharon,
    Happy weekend to you! As always, thanks for sharing your darling images with us!
    Deb :)

  4. They are so beautiful dear Sharon! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Have a lovely weekend! Love, Paula

  5. These are great. I love the old photos of kids. You remind me I have a great image from an old tintype. It makes me laugh when I see it. We haven't figured out which relative it is yet. I'll have to post it for you to see. Have a great weekend, Connie

  6. Love all these images you're sharing ~ the two girls listening to music is cute. I think my favorite is the gal with the parasol in your previous post! Love it!
    Have a nice weekend!

  7. I stumbled across your blog today, and I just have to say , BEAUTIFUL, love the old pictures, you are so sweet to share,Thank you. COme by and visit,

  8. I love vintage real photo postcards and old pictures. So cute!



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