Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy Friday Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great week! TGIF!

eBay Sellers....
Have you read the about the "new" fee increases?
Well, I have and am not very happy about the increases this time. Appears they shout about photo and insertion fee savings, BUT when you read about the Final Value Fees, that increase is like having to pay a credit card!
I have made my final listings on eBay for this weekend with this the following statement:

"Sadly, February 2008 will be my last listings for a while.
I will on occasion list items from my private collection of antique ~ vintage items."

I have decided to list all of my art and vintage items on Etsy.

I would love to hear from eBayers about their thoughts on this fee increase! SO please comment! Thank you in advance!

My Etsy store now has digital collages for sale to use in your altered art। Please check those items out at Etsy ~ Vintage Studio. I will be adding some altered journals, collages, and banners for Etsy, Flickr and your blogs in the next few weeks.

Here are some of my digital art collages that I will be adding to Etsy store next week.

If you have any special request for journals with photos to celebrate specials occasions for yor family and friends, please contact me. I will be gald to talk with you on how special we can make an altered journal ~ photo ablum for you or a special person in your life.

I want to thank everyone who to has posted comments on my art on ZNE and Flickr



1 comment:

  1. Oh Sharon I am so with you about the Ebay fee increase. I had a mini-rant about it on my blog yesterday. I won't be posting many things on Ebay. By the time Ebay takes out their fee and PayPal (owned by Ebay) takes out their fee it's about 14%!!! I'd rather just pass that savings on to my customers and have them shop from my webstore. Please check out my blog if you have time.


I love your comments ~ thanks for taking a minute to leave me a note! If you have a question, please leave an email so I can get back to you. I wish I had more hours in the day to visit all of the wonderful blogs out there~if you have something you think I would like to see, please invite me over and I'll do my best! :)