Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you a wonderful
Thanksgiving Day with
your family and friends!

The following two images
were from Facebook this
week.  I cannot remember
who or what location I
found them.  But I just
thought they were great
for Thanksgiving cheer.

I am so behind in my holiday
creating and decorating!  But
I have almost completed our
Christmas shopping. Maybe
that is crowds
at home.

Please accept my apology for
not posting as much on my blog.
I will be sharing some sneak
peeks of my handmade cards
and creative gifts.

Thank you for visiting!
Until next time, Sharon

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Getting supplies ready
for holiday projects!

I am not making Holiday
items this year for
my Etsy shop. If you 
have purchased from
my shop in the past...
and would like handmade
gift tags or Christmas
cards made for you. 
Please send an message
through my Etsy shop.

I will be sharing some
of my handmade holiday
greeting cards and gift
tags on my blog.  These 
goodies will be sent to 
family and friends.

I have scanned a few
vintage images that I
purchased in 2007.


More doctor appointments
this week. It seems to
never end.  But I do think
I have one week in
November so far with
nothing scheduled!

I finally got a new
camera.  I have several
mail goodies to share
with you next week.

Thank you for visiting
my blog and leaving your
kind comments.

Wishing you a wonderful
