Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some summer fun

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

We worked in the yard and screen patio this weekend.
Had some problems with snakes in the backyard due
to all of the rain the past few weeks.

Unfortunately the Bostons think the snakes are
toys!  We put some lime/mothballs around the
fence.  Our pest guy told us about a product that
works to keep the snakes out of the yard.

I found some vintage summer images from
2009 I cleaned using Photo Shop.

I also worked on some tags for the Bird Song swap.
I hope to work on these lovelies this week.
Wishing you a wonderful week!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Start of Summer

This weekend official starts the summer season.

Summer is one of my favorite seasons.
But I am not a fan of humidity!

Here are a couple of vintage postcards I found a
CD I purchased a couple of years ago.

Wishing you a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

In Memory

Deep in our hearts you'll always stay,
loved and remembered every day.

Christopher Jeremy Edson
February 27, 1972 - May 27, 2007
You are missed every day.
Love, Mom

Please pray for all of those who have lost their
homes, businesses, and family during
the past few weeks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It has been a while since I have posted on my blog. I will be taking an extended time off to take care of some personal issues.

Living with an autoimmune disease can cause many different symptoms in your daily life. It can take on a different symptom every day. So planning your days can be a challenge to say the least.

On a recent get away with my husband, I was thrown another reality check about my physical limits. As a result the impact of living with this kind of illness, depression and anxiety creeps into your daily life. The things you love to do…travel, art, social events, exercise…are not part of your daily life any longer. I have kept to myself the pain these changes have caused me. Not to mention the loneliness.

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such kind words. I have met so many wonderful friends through blogging.

I am closing this post with some of my past creations.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

We have a winner!

The winner of my spring giveaway is Theresa !
Please visit her blog for some wonderful family photos.

I am still taking a blog break. 
I will post some wonderful vintage finds and some
swap photos from the past couple of weeks
upon my return.

Thank you to all of you for visiting my blog.
Have a great week!