Friday, October 29, 2010

Change of pace...

SOLD thankyou!

SOLD thank you!

A peek at some of my new tags. I find that the Kodak camera takes better close ups for detail.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New tags

I made some new holiday gift tags this morning.

This set of tags I used the following:
Making Memories Noel paper
Hero Arts flowers
May Arts ribbons
K&Company Yuletide borders
Vintage button

This tag set SOLD.  Thank You!

This set of tags I used the following:
October Afternoon Very Merry Wrap the Presents paper
Bazzill Basics Glazed Holly paper
Hero Arts flowers
May Arts ribbons
K&Company Yuletide borders
Vintage button

I listed these holiday gift tags in my Etsy shop today. 
Just a reminder when you purchase 3 or more gift tag listings from my shop...the shipping is free!
I hope you are having a great day!

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's a Monday...

Do you ever wake up on a Monday morning with too many things to do on that list?  Well, it was one of those mornings for me.  Which direction do I drive first to get the most out my day before the fatigue hits me?  Hopefully I will get most of my errands  done today.

The above image is from my vintage cabinet card collection.  As you can see I am still looking at the doll theme items this week.  I thought I would share another girl and her dolls image with you.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I hope your week has been a great one!

Here are some of my vintage postcards I scanned this week.
Thought you would enjoy some change in theme!

Early we play with our dolls.
Early we make friends.
Early we learn to share. 

This is so we can be great friends and wonderful mothers!

Wishing you a great Friday.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful Art!

This is a beautiful card made by Hanne.  Please visit her blog.   She used an image I provided in one of my earlier post with vintage images.  Hanne thank you for sharing your beautiful card with us!

Wishing everyone a great week!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What I have been doing...

I took a break from the journals this weekend and made some Christmas gift tags.  I just listed these lovelies in my Etsy Shop. 
My photos for some reason came out fuzzy today.

DH is watching college football games today.  So much is not being done around here this weekend.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 15, 2010


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I am feeling better! 
I have a lot projects that I need to complete...journals, scrapbooks, and special order gift tags.

Today I am hoping to get out and attend a craft fair at a local church.  Treat myself to lunch!

Do you ever have days or nights that your mind races with creative ideas?  It has been like that for the past few days for me.  Now if I can only get organized to create.  I used to be able to multi task when I worked...I was a deadline junkie.  Not anymore...I can only work on one creative project at a time.  I must confess that I am a messy creative person.  My work area gets papers, buttons, fabrics, and laces all over the room.  So needless to say this overwhelms me now.

I read a post earlier this morning about lists and shopping.  Oh I can relate to this post.  Too many of the same items have been purchased with or without lists!  But I really think most of us are guilty of this at one time or other.  Me, maybe too often.  Again I get overwhelmed at the grocery store.   Mostly if I am going to have the energy to finish the task at shopping.  You see I am lucky if I can get 2 things done a list of 3 or 4 things or places  that need to get accomplished before the fatigue hits me. 

So I am thankful for today that I feel I may be able to get something accomplished on my list!

Wishing you a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I have to apologize for not being a good blogger lately.  I haven't been visiting any of my favorite places for about 2 weeks now.  I am hoping to visit and comment on your lovely blogs this week.  I promise it is on My To Do List.

Speaking of lists...I find that now I have to make a list of everything I need to get while out trying to run errands for our home and personal stuff.  Lists make me feel really old!  I guess you can say that I try to feel young since my mind feels young and not my real age.  HA!  See the lists isn't about forgetting things...they are about marking off the few things I can get before the fatique hits me.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Wishing you a great week!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


 I want to share with you some images of our home during the Fall.  The weather is still warm here, but the mornings are getting cooler. The above image is from our kitchen table.  I really don't do too much decorating for Halloween but generally for Fall.  I just don't have the energy to do all the themes since my days are really limited due to lack of energy and a lot of pain.
This is the front of our home.
 I am getting ready to work on a large project for my sisters.  So this project may take some time...weeks for that matter to finish.  That is why I have so many Christmas gift tags listed in my Etsy shop so early.  I will sharing some photos of my project with as I go along the process.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.  Enjoy!